13 Jan Wyndham City Stadium Precinct: Integrated Strategic Plan
Global South is leading the preparation of a Strategic Plan for approximately 660 ha of greenfiled land in Melbourne;s outer west. The study area comprises several landholdings, including a large site owned by Wyndham City COuncil. It is bisected by the Regional Rail Link, and future development will benefit from the proposed Riverdale Train Station.
The purpose of this project is to prepare a high-level
Wyndham City Council’s brief requires planning for best practice, sustainable, liveable urban development, and a clear departure from ‘business as usual’; greenfield planning.strategic plan.
OIur Draft Plan responds to this Brief, delivering an urban structure which supports 20-minute neighbourhood principles, utilises existing natural assets such as the Werribee River and Davies Creek corridors, and leverages future transport infrastructure and the planned Wyndham City Stadium as activity generators and economic catalysts.
Global South is leading a collaborative consultant team comprising Arup (Transport, Infrastructure, Economics and Sustainability) and LatStudios (Landscape and Urban Design). We prepared the plan through extensive research and a series of major, participatory ‘Inquiry by Design’ Workshops, involving Council officers, State Government. landowners and other stakeholders.